2019-10-19 - Ghost Train 30 Miler

^z 30th April 2023 at 10:10am

~30 mi @ ~15.9 min/mi

Thank you, Mary!

"A thousand times better!" Good Dr M rates how she feels today vs three weeks ago at the Clarence DeMar Marathon. The New Hampshire morning is crisp as we find our place at the back of the starting line crowd.

"You cannot DNF the Ghost Train!" event officials say. Whatever distance runners go in 30 hours is the race they finish. The course is decorated in a Halloween theme with carved pumpkin jack-o-lanterns galore. This array spells out "Ghost Train Rail Trail Race".

"The terrifying rocky hill isn't quite that scary this time!" Roadkill discovers that memory can be deceiving; last year left an inaccurate recollection of how hard one segment was. Besides static displays of skeletons, ghosts, witches, etc., some participants wear costumes. The best is this unicorn-rider.

Comrades Slow Twitch and Jaybird enjoy their journey on the Ghost Train: Dr Stephanie does 45 miles and then takes a break to warm up; Court Jester Jon goes past 60 before coming to his senses in the chilly night.

Dr M runs 15 miles, continuing her recovery ramp-up. Roadkill rambles 30, half as far as last time, and decides to declare victory before nightfall. It's such a beautiful day!

As always, infinite thanks to dear friend Mary for her awesome encouragement and kind company!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-11-02